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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Cao Cao Organizes A Hunting Expedition In Xutian; Dong Cheng Receives A Secret Command In The Palace -> 8

献帝刘玄德:“。”玄德玄德鹿:“。”天子鹿天子曹操天子One day the Emperor was riding toward the hunting grounds and noticed his newly found uncle respectfully standing by the roadside. "I should like to see my uncle display his hunting skill," said the Emperor. Liu Bei mounted his steed at once. Just then a hare started from its form. Liu Bei shot and hit it with the first arrow. The Emperor, much struck by this display, rode away over a slope. Suddenly a deer broke out of the thicket. He shot three arrows at it but all missed. "You try," said the Emperor turning to Cao Cao. "Lend me Your Majesty's bow," Cao Cao replied. Taking the inlaid bow and the golden-tipped arrows, Cao Cao pulled the bow and hit the deer in the shoulder at the first shot. It fell in the grass and could not run. Now the crowd of officers seeing the golden-barbed arrow sticking in the wound concluded at once that the shot was the Emperor's, so they rushed up and shouted "Wan sui! O Son of Heaven! Live forever!" Cao Cao rode out pushing past the Emperor and acknowledged the congratulations. They all turned pale.

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