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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> In A Plum Garden, Cao Cao Discusses Heroes; Using The Host's Forces, Guan Yu Takes Xuzhou -> 2

董承怀玄德玄德玄德:“。”:“访。”玄德:“云长曹操退?”玄德:“?”:“。”Next day after dark Dong Cheng went to Liu Bei's lodging taking with him the decree. As soon as Dong Cheng was announced, Liu Bei came to greet him and led him into a private room where they could talk freely. The two younger brothers were there as well. "It must be something unusually important that has brought Uncle Dong Cheng here tonight," said Liu Bei. "If I had ridden forth by daylight, Cao Cao might have suspected something, so I came by night." Wine was brought in, and while they were drinking, Dong Cheng said, "Why did you check your brother the other day at the hunt, when he was going to attack Cao Cao?" Liu Bei was startled and said, "How did you know?" "Nobody noticed but I saw."

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