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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Besieged In Tushan, Guan Yu Makes Three Conditions; Relieved At Baima, Cao Cao Beholds A Marvel -> 22

:「。」玄德:「田豐?」玄德:「曹操天下。」:「玄德。」田豐:「使!」田豐:「。」玄德沮授田豐:「!」"Let me think about it," said Yuan Shao. He asked advice from Liu Bei whether to attack or to hold on. Liu Bei replied, "Cao Cao is a rebel. I think you are failing in your duty if you do not attack him." "Your words are good," said Yuan Shao. He made up his mind to move. But again the adviser Tian Feng intervened. Then Yuan Shao grew angry, saying, "You fellows who cultivate literature and despise war have made me miss a lot!" Tian Feng bowed his head and said, "Neglect your servant's wise words, and you will fail in the field." Yuan Shao was so angry that he wanted to put Tian Feng to death. However, Liu Bei begged him off and he was only imprisoned. Seeing the fate of his colleague, another adviser, Ju Shou, assembled his clan and distributed among them all his possessions, saying, "I go with the army. If we succeed, then nothing can exceed our glory; but if we are defeated, the risk I run is great." His friends wept as they said farewell.

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