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Confucianism -> Liji -> Yue Ling -> 54

In this month
the trees are luxuriant;
and orders are given to the foresters to go among the hills and examine the trees,
and see that the people do not cut any down or lop their branches.
There should not be any work in earth, (now) undertaken;
诸侯 nor any assembling of the princes of the states;
nor any military movements, causing general excitement.
There should be no undertaking of (such) great affairs,
which will disturb the nourishing growth that is proceeding,
nor any issuing of orders to be hereafter carried into effect.
神农All these things will interfere with the business of husbandry, (which is specially dear to) the Spirits.
The floods are now great and overflow the roads;
神农 husbandry (dear to) the Spirits has to take in hand its various tasks.
The curse of Heaven will come on the undertaking of great affairs (at this time).

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