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Confucianism -> Liji -> Li Yun -> 9

孔子Confucius said,
'Ah! Alas!
I look at the ways of Zhou.
(The kings) You and Li corrupted them indeed,
but if I leave Lu, where shall I go (to find them better)?
The border sacrifice of Lu, (however,) and (the association with it of) the founder of the line (of Zhou)
is contrary to propriety
周公- how have (the institutions of) the duke of Zhou fallen into decay!
At the border sacrifice in Qi, Yu was the assessor,
and at that in Song, Xie;
天子but these were observances of the sons of Heaven, preserved (in those states by their descendants).
天子 The rule is that (only) the son of Heaven sacrifices to heaven and earth,
諸侯。」 and the princes of states sacrifice at the altars to the spirits of the land and grain.'

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