Dictionary -> Characters read "ㄌㄟˋ" (Zhuyin)
6 strokes: | 肋 |
8 strokes: | 㑍 泪 |
9 strokes: | 䣦 垒 类 |
10 strokes: | 埒 |
11 strokes: | 㭩 㲕 㴃 㻋 涙 淚 累 𣨅 𥅦 |
12 strokes: | 䒹 |
13 strokes: | 雷 𨀤 𩵓 |
14 strokes: | 䨓 酹 銇 |
15 strokes: | 頪 𩛝 |
16 strokes: | 擂 錑 |
17 strokes: | 㔣 䢮 䮑 檑 |
18 strokes: | 壘 攂 礌 颣 𩔗 |
19 strokes: | 類 𣀜 |
20 strokes: | 礧 𥣬 𨶺 |
21 strokes: | 䉪 䍥 纇 纍 𪑯 |
22 strokes: | 𡔇 |
23 strokes: | 靁 𥤐 |
24 strokes: | 禷 𥗶 |
25 strokes: | 蘱 |
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