Dictionary -> Characters read "ㄌㄧˇ" (Zhuyin)
6 strokes: | 礼 礼 𠚄 𡆯 |
7 strokes: | 李 里 𢏃 |
8 strokes: | 㸚 |
9 strokes: | 俚 峛 峢 𨛋 |
10 strokes: | 䧉 哩 娌 峲 悝 浬 𨓦 |
11 strokes: | 䤚 理 逦 |
12 strokes: | 㾖 锂 |
13 strokes: | 粴 裏 裡 豊 𦎐 𦕸 |
14 strokes: | 盠 |
15 strokes: | 䗍 鋰 鲤 𨴻 |
16 strokes: | 兣 澧 𣿞 𩳓 |
17 strokes: | 𣀂 𩷋 |
18 strokes: | 禮 鯉 𥎓 𥎔 |
19 strokes: | 蟸 離 𥴡 |
20 strokes: | 醴 |
21 strokes: | 蠡 鳢 𦪶 |
22 strokes: | 𪕴 |
23 strokes: | 欐 邐 𣀷 |
24 strokes: | 鱧 |
25 strokes: | 欚 纚 𧅮 |
27 strokes: | 𦫈 |
30 strokes: | 鱺 |
32 strokes: | 𩽵 |
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