Dictionary -> Characters read "bà" (Pinyin)
7 strokes: | 伯 坝 弝 把 |
8 strokes: | 杷 爸 |
9 strokes: | 𥝧 |
10 strokes: | 垻 罢 耙 𧿏 |
11 strokes: | 㖠 猈 𦫙 |
12 strokes: | 鲃 |
13 strokes: | 䇑 䩗 靶 鲅 鲌 𩨜 |
15 strokes: | 䎬 䰾 罷 |
16 strokes: | 鮁 鮊 𩃴 |
19 strokes: | 䩻 䱝 覇 |
20 strokes: | 䆉 𩹏 |
21 strokes: | 䎱 霸 |
22 strokes: | 㶚 |
23 strokes: | 䥯 |
24 strokes: | 壩 灞 𤜕 |
25 strokes: | 欛 |
26 strokes: | 䃻 |
32 strokes: | 𩽷 |
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