Dictionary -> Characters read "yǒu" (Pinyin)
4 strokes: | 㕛 友 |
6 strokes: | 有 |
7 strokes: | 丣 卣 酉 𢪥 𣢄 |
8 strokes: | 㔽 岰 泑 𡊧 𥝘 |
9 strokes: | 㶭 羐 羑 𠖋 𣅺 𣢜 𣧥 |
10 strokes: | 唀 庮 栯 苃 𤱎 |
11 strokes: | 偤 梄 聈 蚴 铕 |
12 strokes: | 㰶 㾞 䅎 䒴 湵 𣣜 𣸠 |
13 strokes: | 㮋 莠 蜏 𧠶 |
14 strokes: | 䬀 禉 銪 𠢢 𣣸 |
15 strokes: | 槱 牖 𣤎 𤍕 𦩲 |
16 strokes: | 䱂 𣿤 𨡴 |
17 strokes: | 䳑 黝 |
18 strokes: | 懮 𤪎 𦏇 |
19 strokes: | 𥜚 |
24 strokes: | 𩼈 |
29 strokes: | 𧆕 |
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