Dictionary -> Characters read "zhuì" (Pinyin)
5 strokes: | 队 |
7 strokes: | 坠 |
9 strokes: | 致 |
10 strokes: | 埀 桘 笍 |
11 strokes: | 缀 𨺵 |
12 strokes: | 䋘 惴 缒 腏 隊 𧿲 |
13 strokes: | 㿢 䄌 甀 窡 𢊅 𥟒 |
14 strokes: | 䃍 槌 硾 綴 膇 赘 𦥻 |
15 strokes: | 㾽 墜 諈 𩛵 |
16 strokes: | 縋 錣 隧 𡑞 𡑻 𩜀 |
17 strokes: | 餟 𤺅 |
18 strokes: | 礈 贅 𣝸 𨪗 |
19 strokes: | 鵽 𣦬 |
21 strokes: | 譵 |
22 strokes: | 鑆 |
36 strokes: | 䨺 |
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