于 |
yú ㄩˊ (1): 往,去。 Go to, go towards.
《·》: | 肆予告我友邦君越尹氏、庶士、御事、曰:『予得吉卜,予惟以爾庶邦于伐殷逋播臣。』 | Therefore I tell you, the princes of my friendly states, and you, the directors of departments, my officers, and the managers of my affairs; I have obtained a favourable reply to my divinations. I will go forward with you from all the states, and punish those vagabond and transported ministers of Yin. |
yú ㄩˊ (2): 取。 Take.
《·》: | 《》云:『 | It is said in the Book of Poetry, "In the day-light go and gather the grass, And at night twist your ropes." | 《·》: | 晝爾于茅、宵爾索綯。 | In the day time collect the grass, And at night twist it into ropes. | 《·》: | 孔子曰:「《》云:『』」 | 《·》: | 孔子曰:「《詩》云:『晝爾于茅,宵爾索綯。』」 | 《·》: | 《》云:『』 | 《·》: | 孔子曰:「《》云:『』」 |
yú ㄩˊ (3): 鐘唇,即鐘口兩角之間。 Rim of the mouth of a bell.
《·》: | 兩欒謂之銑,銑間謂之于,于上謂之鼓,鼓上謂之鉦,鉦上謂之舞,舞上謂之甬,甬上謂之衡。 |
yú ㄩˊ (4): 草名。 A type of plant.
yú ㄩˊ (5): 象聲詞。 [Onomatopoeia]
《·》: | 激者,謞者,叱者,吸者,叫者,譹者,宎者,咬者,前者唱于而隨者唱喁。 | (The sounds issuing from them are like) those of fretted water, of the arrowy whizz, of the stern command, of the inhaling of the breath, of the shout, of the gruff note, of the deep wail, of the sad and piping note. The first notes are slight, and those that follow deeper, but in harmony with them. |
yú ㄩˊ (6.1): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“在”。 Preposition: in.
《·》: | 黃帝居于軒轅之丘,而娶于西陵之女,是為嫘祖為黃帝正妃,生二子,其後皆有天下:其一曰玄囂,是為青陽,青陽降居江水 | Huangdi lived at Xuanyuan hill, and married a woman of 'Western range' land called Leizu, who was his principal wife, and bore him two sons, both of whose descendants held Imperial sway. The eldest, named Xuanxiao, or Qingyang, dwelt on the Jiang stream. | 《·》: | 使者歸,則必拜送于門外。 | When the messenger is about to return, (the other) must bow to him (again), and escort him outside the gate. | 《·》: | 出宿于泲、飲餞于禰。 | When I came forth, I lodged in Ji, And we drank the cup of convoy at Ni. | 《·》: | 甯越欲幹齊桓公,困窮無以自達,於是為商旅,將任車,以商于齊,暮宿于郭門之外 | 《》: | 芮伯萬之母芮姜,惡芮伯之多寵人也,故逐之,出居于魏。 | 《·》: | 晉文公出亡,修道不休,得至于饗國,饗國之時,上無明天子,下無賢方伯,強楚主會,諸侯背畔,天子失道,出居于鄭。 |
yú ㄩˊ (6.2): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“從”、“到”。 Preposition: from or to.
《·》: | 鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于野。 | The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh, And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds. | 《·》: | 《》曰:『鼓鐘于宮,聲聞于外。』 | 《·》: | 《》曰:「」 | 《·》: | 遂使之行成于吳,曰:「寡君句踐乏無所使,使其下臣種,不敢徹聲聞于天王,私于下執事曰:寡君之師徒不足以辱君矣,愿以金玉、子女賂君之辱,請句踐女女于王,大夫女女于大夫,士女女于士。」 | 《·》: | 鶴:鳴九臯,聲聞于天。 | 《·》: | 《》曰:「鼓鐘于宮,聲聞于外。」 |
yú ㄩˊ (6.3): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“比”。 Preposition: compared to.
《·》: | 天吏逸德,烈于猛火。 | But if a minister of Heaven exceed in doing his duty, the consequences will be fiercer than blazing fire. |
yú ㄩˊ (6.4): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“給”、“對”、“向”。 Preposition: to, for, towards.
《·》: | 子曰:「吾十有五而志于學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心所欲,不踰矩。」 | The Master said, "At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right." | 《·》: | 黃帝問于歧伯曰:凡刺之法,先必本于神 |
yú ㄩˊ (6.5): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“被”。 Preposition: by (indicating passive tense).
《》: | 初,王姚嬖于莊王,生子頹,子頹有寵,蒍國為之師,及惠王即位,取蒍國之圃以為囿,邊伯之宮,近於王宮,王取之,王奪子禽,祝跪,與詹父田,而收膳夫之秩,故蒍國,邊伯,石速,詹父,子禽,祝跪,作亂,因蘇氏 |
yú ㄩˊ (6.6): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“以”、“用”。 Preposition: with, using.
《·》: | 予告汝于難,若射之有志。 | I have announced to you the difficulties (of the intended movement), being bent on it, like an archer (whose only thought is to hit). | 《》: | 欒武子曰:楚自克庸以來,其君無日不討國人而訓之于民生之不易,禍至之無日,戒懼之不可以怠。 |
yú ㄩˊ (6.7): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“由於”、“在於”。 Preposition: due to, because of.
yú ㄩˊ (6.8): 通“” yú ㄩˊ: 介詞,相當於“依據”、“按照”。 Preposition: by, according to.
yú ㄩˊ (6.9): 介詞,相當於「為」、「替」。 Preposition: for, in place of.
《·》: | 舜曰:『惟茲臣庶,汝其于予治。』 | Shun said to him, "There are all my officers - do you undertake the government of them for me." |
yú ㄩˊ (7): 連詞,相當於「與」、「和」。 Connective: and.
《·》: | 王曰:「封,予惟不可不監,告汝德之說于罰之行。」 | The king says, 'O Feng, I can not dispense with the inspection (of the ancients),; and I make this declaration to you about virtue in the use of punishments.' |
yú ㄩˊ (8.1): 語助詞,用於句首或句中以湊足音節。 Auxiliary word: used in a sentence for aesthetic purpose only, no meaning.
《·》: | 維葉萋萋、黃鳥于飛。 | Its leaves were luxuriant; The yellow birds flew about. |
yú ㄩˊ (8.2): 語助詞,用於句末,相當於「乎」,表示疑問。 Auxiliary word: used in at the end of a sentence to express questioning.