則 |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (1): 準則,法則。 Method, rule.
《·》: | 伐柯伐柯、其則不遠。 | In hewing an axe-handle, in hewing an axe-handle, The pattern is not far off. |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (2): 效法。 Mimic, emulate.
《·》: | 唯天為大,唯堯則之。 | It is only Heaven that is grand, and only Yao corresponded to it. | 《·》: | 皋陶於是敬禹之德,令民皆則禹 | Gaoyao therefore, respecting Yu's virtues, bade the people carry out as a rule his plan of preferring admonition, but also made use of punishments. |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (3): 等級。 Level, grade.
zé ㄗㄜˊ (4.1): 副詞:用於加強判斷,相當於「乃」、「即」。 Adverb used to emphasize an assertion.
《·》: | 王曰:「此則寡人之罪也。」 | Who said, 'In this matter, I am the guilty one.' | 《·》: | 其南則大夏,西則安息,北則康居。 | 《·》: | 句踐說于國人曰面議寡人不知其力之不足也,而又與大國執讎,以暴露百姓之骨于中原,此則寡人之罪也,寡人請更。 |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (4.2): 副詞:表示範圍,相當於「僅」、「只」。 Adverb used to express scope: only.
zé ㄗㄜˊ (5.1): 連詞:表示承接關係,相當於「就」、「便」、「那麽」。 Connective expressing continuation: then, and then.
《·》: | 子曰:「君子不重則不威,學則不固。」 | The Master said, "If the scholar be not grave, he will not call forth any veneration, and his learning will not be solid." | 《·》: | 對曰:『然則廢釁鐘與?』 | The man answered, Shall we then omit the consecration of the bell ? | 《·》: | 且夫水之積也不厚,則負大舟也無力。 | And moreover, (to speak of) the accumulation of water; if it be not great, it will not have strength to support a large boat. | 《·》: | 曰:「然則蓋行乎?」 | 'Then,' continued the other, 'Why not go away?' | 《·》: | 利:得是而喜,則是利也。 | 《·》: | 然則是一舉而霸王之名可成也,四鄰諸侯可朝也。 |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (5.2): 連詞:常「則...則」使用,有加強對比的作用。 Connective emphasizing comparison.
《·》: | 子謂顏淵曰:「用之則行,舍之則藏,唯我與爾有是夫!」 | The Master said to Yan Yuan, "When called to office, to undertake its duties; when not so called, to lie retired - it is only I and you who have attained to this." | 《》: | 用之則行,捨之則藏,唯我與爾有是夫! | 《·》: | 聖王之子也,有天下之後也,埶籍之所在也,天下之宗室也,然而不材不中,內則百姓疾之,外則諸侯叛之,近者境內不一,遙者諸侯不聽,令不行於境內,甚者諸侯侵削之,攻伐之。 |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (5.3): 連詞:表示轉折關係,相當於「然而」、「反倒」。 Connective expressing contrast.
《·》: | 躬行君子,則吾未之有得。 | But the character of the superior man, carrying out in his conduct what he professes, is what I have not yet attained to. | 《·》: | 竭力以事大國,則不得免焉。 | Though I do my utmost to serve those large kingdoms on either side of it, we cannot escape suffering from them. |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (5.4): 連詞:表示讓步關係,相當於「倒是」。 Connective expressing allowance: yet, even so.
《·》: | 子墨子曰:「難則難矣,然而未仁也。」 | Mozi said: What he did was indeed difficult, but hardly magnanimous. | 《·》: | 舜曰:「美則美矣,而未大也。」 | Shun rejoined, 'Admirable, as far as it goes; but it is not what is Great.' | 《·》: | 對曰:「美則美矣,抑臣亦有懼也。」 | 《·》: | 對曰:「美則美矣。」 |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (5.5): 連詞:表示出乎意外,發現了新的情況,相當於「竟」、「卻」。 Connective expressing unexpected turn of events.
《·》: | 至則行矣。 | But when he got to the place, the old man was gone. | 《》: | 公使陽處父追之,及諸河,則在舟中矣。 |
zé ㄗㄜˊ (5.6): 連詞:表示假設,相當於「假設」。 Connective expressing suppostion: if.
《·》: | 今則來,沛公恐不得有此。 | 《》: | 公子則往,群臣之子,敢不皆負羈絏以從? |