文 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (1.1): 色彩交錯。 Mixture of colours.
《·》: | 兼三材而兩之,故六六者,非它也,三材之道也,道有變動,故曰爻,爻有等,故曰物,物相雜,故曰文,文不當,故吉凶生焉。 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (1.2): 花紋。 Decorative design.
《·》: | 夏后氏沒,殷人受之,作為大路,而建九旒,食器雕琢,觴酌刻鏤,四壁堊墀,茵席雕文,此彌侈矣,而國之不服者五十三。 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (1.3): 刻畫花紋或文字。 Portray in words or pictures.
wén ㄨㄣˊ (2): 文采,紋飾,與「質」相對。 Adornment, embellishment.
《·》: | 棘子成曰:「君子質而已矣,何以文為?」 | Ji Zi Cheng said, "In a superior man it is only the substantial qualities which are wanted; why should we seek for ornamental accomplishments?" | 《》: | 言之無文,行而不遠。 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (3): 外表,形式。 External appearance.
wén ㄨㄣˊ (4): 字,文字。 Characters, words.
wén ㄨㄣˊ (5.1): 文獻,典籍。 Books, works.
《·》: | 行有餘力,則以學文。 | When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies. | 《·》: | 詩書雖缺,然虞夏之文可知也。 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (5.2): 特指儒家的禮儀制度。 Confucian doctrine.
《·》: | 曰:「文王既沒,文不在茲乎?」 | He said, "After the death of King Wen, was not the cause of truth lodged here in me?" | 《·》: | 儒以文亂法,俠以武犯禁,而人主兼禮之,此所以亂也。 | 《·》: | 韓子曰:「儒以文亂法,而俠以武犯禁。」 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (6): 非軍事的,與「武」相對。 Civilian, non-military.
《·》: | 是故合之以文,齊之以武,是謂必取。 | 《·》: | 故令之以文,齊之以武,是謂必取。 | 《·》: | 臣聞之曰:『武不可覿,文不可匿。』 |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (7): 鼓。 Drum (musical instrument).
《·》: | 弦匏笙簧,會守拊鼓,始奏以文,復亂以武,治亂以相,訊疾以雅。 | The stringed instruments (above) and those made from gourd shells with the organs and their metal tongues (below), are all kept waiting for the striking of the drum. The music first strikes up at the sound of the drum; and when it ends, it is at the sound of the cymbals. The close of each part of the performance is regulated by the Xiang, and the rapidity of the motions by the Ya. |
wén ㄨㄣˊ (8): 量詞:銅錢一枚稱一文。 Measure word for money.
wèn ㄨㄣˋ (9): 修飾,增加文采。 Adorn, embellish.
《·》: | 子曰:「若臧武仲之知,公綽之不欲,卞莊子之勇,冉求之藝,文之以禮樂,亦可以為成人矣。」 | The Master said, "Suppose a man with the knowledge of Zang Wu Zhong, the freedom from covetousness of Gong Chuo, the bravery of Zhuang of Bian, and the varied talents of Ran Qiu; add to these the accomplishments of the rules of propriety and music - such a one might be reckoned a COMPLETE man." | 《·》: | 詩言是其志也,書言是其事也,禮言是其行也,樂言是其和也,春秋言是其微也,故風之所以為不逐者,取是以節之也,小雅之所以為小者,取是而文之也,大雅之所以為大者,取是而光之也,頌之所以為至者,取是而通之也。 |
wèn ㄨㄣˋ (10): 掩飾。 Conceal, gloss over.
《·》: | 子夏曰:「小人之過也必文。」 | Zi Xia said, "The mean man is sure to gloss his faults." | 《·》: | 飾邪說,文姦言,為倚事,陶誕突盜,惕悍憍暴,以偷生反側於亂世之間,是姦人之所以取危辱死刑也。 | 《·》: | 夫當世之愚,飾邪說,文姦言,以亂天下,欺惑眾愚,使混然不知是非治亂之所存者、則是范睢、魏牟、田文、莊周、慎到、田駢、墨翟、宋鉼、鄧析、惠施之徒也。 |