《·》: | 子曰:「赤也,束帶立於朝,可使與賓客言也,不知其仁也。」 |
The Master replied, "Chi, with his sash girt and standing in a court, might be employed to converse with the visitors and guests, but I do not know whether he is perfectly virtuous." |
《·》: | 葵丘之會諸侯,束牲、載書而不歃血。 |
At the assembly of the princes in Kui Qiu, he bound the victim and placed the writing upon it, but did not slay it to smear their mouths with the blood. |
《·》: | 伯高之喪,孔氏之使者未至,冉子攝束帛、乘馬而將之。 |
On the mourning rites for Bo-gao, before the messenger from Confucius could arrive, Ran-zi had taken it on him, as his substitute, to present a parcel of silks and a team of four horses. |
《·》: | 遂為公尚過束車五十乘,以迎子墨子於魯,曰:「吾以夫子之道說越王,越王大說,謂過曰,苟能使子墨子至於越,而教寡人,請裂故吳之地,方五百里,以封子。」 |
And so fifty wagons were made ready to go to Lu, and welcome Mozi. (Gong Shang Guo) told him: "When I tried to persuade the Lord of Yue with your principles he was quite pleased and said to me that if I could induce you to come to Yue and instruct him, he would offer you five hundred li square of the land lying in the former state of Wu." |
《·》: | 上與病者粟,則受三鐘與十束薪。 |
When it was giving out grain to the sick, he received three kung, and ten bundles of firewood. |
《·》: | 雖有詩書,鄉一束,家一員,獨無益於治也,非所以反之之術也。 |
Though there may be a bundle of the Odes and History in every hamlet and a copy in every family, yet it is useless for good government, and it is not a method whereby this condition of things may be reversed. |
《·》: | 白茅純束、有女如玉。 |
And it is bound round with the white grass. There is a young lady like a gem. |
《·》: | 六五:賁于丘園,束帛戔戔,吝,終吉。 |
The fifth SIX, divided, shows its subject adorned by (the occupants of) the heights and gardens. He bears his roll of silk, small and slight. He may appear stingy; but there will be good fortune in the end. |
《·》: | 俄則束乎有司,而戮乎大市,莫不呼天啼哭,苦傷其今,而後悔其始,是非容貌之患也,聞見之不眾,而論議之卑爾! |
《·》: | 喪事有賵者,蓋以乘馬束帛輿馬曰賵,貨財曰賻,水被曰襚,口實曰唅,玩好曰贈。 |
《·》: | 大辱莫甚於去南面之位而束獲為虜也。 |
《·》: | 即束蘊請火,去婦之家,曰:『吾犬爭肉相殺,請火治之。』 |
《·》: | 緯,束也。 |
《·》: | 《禮》曰:「使次介先假途,用束帛。」 |
《·》: | 束髮就大學,蹍大節焉,業大道焉。 |
《·》: | 軍戰不勝,尉復死,寡人將束甲而赴之。 |
《·》: | 夫子糾未成君,而管仲未成臣,管仲才度義,管仲不死束縛而立功名,未可非也。 |
《·》: | 夫體至行仁義,據南面師尹卿士,且猶不能無難,然則夫子削迹,叔嚮縲紲,屈原放沈,賈誼貶黜,鍾離廢替,何敞束縛,王章抵罪,平阿斥逐,蓋其輕士者也。 |
《·》: | 或伐薪於山,輕小之木,合能束之。 |
《·》: | 測曰,「帶其鉤鞶」、自約束也。 |
《·》: | 束、縻,縳也。 |
《·》: | 削文竹以為管,加漆絲之纏束。 |
《·》: | 鶡冠子曰:「行枉則禁,反正則舍,是故不殺降人,主道所高,莫貴約束,得地失信,聖王弗據,倍言負約,各將有故。」 |
《·》: | 幣單而欲不厭,卑體免辭,論說而交不結,約束誓盟,約定而反先日,是以君子不外飾仁義,而內脩道術。 |
《·》: | 高韻沖霄,不羈不束。 |
《·》: | 故文王說紂而紂囚之,翼侯炙,鬼侯腊,比干剖心,梅伯醢,夷吾束縛,而曹羈奔陳,伯里子道乞,傅說轉鬻,孫子臏腳於魏,吳起收泣於岸門、痛西河之為秦、卒枝解於楚,公叔痤言國器、反為悖,公孫鞅奔秦,關龍逢斬,萇宏分胣,尹子阱於棘,司馬子期死而浮於江,田明辜射,宓子賤、西門豹不鬥而死人手,董安于死而陳於市,宰予不免於田常,范睢折脅於魏。 |
《·》: | 號令天下諸侯曰:『諸從天子封於太山禪於梁父者,必抱菁茅一束以為禪籍,不如令者,不得從天子』,天下諸侯載其黃金爭秩而走,江淮之菁茅,坐長而十倍其賈,一束而百金。 |
《·》: | 田里相伍,其約束符信也。 |
《·》: | 笞人之背,灼人之脅,束人之指,而訊囚之情,雖國士有不勝其酷,而自誣矣。 |
《·》: | 今有方物一束,外周一匝有三十二枚。 |
《·》: | 地廣民眾,主賢將忠,國富兵強,約束信,號令明,兩軍相當,鼓錞相望,未至兵交接刃,而敵奔亡,此用兵之次也。 |
《·》: | 葆申束細荊五十,跪而加之於背,如此者再,謂「王起矣」,王曰:「有笞之名一也。」 |
《·》: | 楚之不泝流,陳之不束麾,長盧之不士,呂子之蒙恥。 |
《·》: | 且吾所以還軍霸上,待諸侯至而定約束耳。 |
《》: | 冬,十二月,齊侯游于姑棼,遂田于貝丘,見大豕,從者曰,公子彭生也,公怒曰,彭生敢見,射之,豕人立而啼,公懼,隊于車,傷足,喪屨,反,誅屨於徒人費,弗得,鞭之見血,走出,遇賊于門,劫而束之,費曰,我奚御哉,袒而示之背,信之,費請先入,伏公而出鬥,死于門中,石之紛如死于階下,遂入,殺孟陽于床,曰,非君也,不類,見公之足于戶下,遂弒之,而立無知,初,襄公立無常,鮑叔牙曰,君使民慢,亂將作矣,奉公子小白出奔莒,亂作,管夷吾,召忽奉公子糾來奔,初,公孫無知虐于雍廩。 |
《·》: | 師曠束躅其足,曰:「善哉!」 |
《·》: | 成王聞子文之朝不及夕也,于是乎每朝設脯一束、糗一筐,以羞子文。 |
《》: | 今束雞豚妄投之,其折骨決皮,可立得也。 |
《》: | 孫子曰:「約束不明,申令不信,將之罪也。」 |
《》: | 束縛桎桔,辱身也。 |
《·》: | 是以堯憂洪水,伊尹憂民,管仲束縛,孔子周流,憂百姓之禍而欲安其危也。 |