《·》: | 子曰:「言忠信,行篤敬,雖蠻貊之邦行矣。」 |
The Master said, "Let his words be sincere and truthful and his actions honorable and careful - such conduct may be practiced among the rude tribes of the South or the North." |
《·》: | 今也南蠻鴃舌之人,非先王之道,子倍子之師而學之,亦異於曾子矣 |
Now here is this shrike-tongued barbarian of the south, whose doctrines are not those of the ancient kings. You turn away from your master and become his disciple. Your conduct is different indeed from that of the philosopher Zeng. |
《·》: | 其在東夷、北狄、西戎、南蠻,雖大,曰子。 |
The (chiefs) among (the wild tribes of) the Yi on the east, the Di on the north, the Rong on the west, and the Man on the south, however great (their territories), are called 'counts.' |
《·》: | 昔者武王將事泰山隧,傳曰:『泰山,有道曾孫周王有事,大事既獲,仁人尚作,以祗商夏,蠻夷醜貉。』 |
When King Wu was about to do service to Mt. Tai it was recorded thus: "Blessed is Mt. Tai. Duke of Zhou by a long descent is about to perform his duty. As I have obtained the approval of Heaven, the magnanimous arise to save the people of Shang Xia as well as the barbarians (from the tyranny of Emperor Zhou)." |
《·》: | 有國於蝸之左角者曰觸氏,有國於蝸之右角者曰蠻氏,時相與爭地而戰,伏尸數萬,逐北旬有五日而後反。 |
'On the left horn of the snail there is a kingdom which is called Provocation, and on the right horn another which is called Stupidity. These two kingdoms are continually striving about their territories and fighting. The corpses that lie on the ground amount to several myriads. The army of one may be defeated and put to flight, but in fifteen days it will return.' |
《·》: | 放讙兜於崇山,以變南蠻。 |
That Huandou might be detained on mount Chong, to reform the Southern barbarians. |
《·》: | 蠢爾蠻荊、大邦為讎。 |
Foolish were the savage tribes of Jing, Presuming to oppose our great region. |
《·》: | 柔遠能邇,惇德允元,而難任人,蠻夷率服。 |
Be kind to the distant, and cultivate the ability of the near. Give honour to the virtuous, and your confidence to the good, while you discountenance the artful - so shall the barbarous tribes lead on one another to make their submission. |
《·》: | 故諸夏之國同服同儀,蠻、夷、戎、狄之國同服不同制。 |
《·》: | 昔武王克商,通道九夷百蠻,使各以其方賄來貢,思無忘職業。 |
《·》: | 《》曰:「」 |
《·》: | 是以蠻夷諸夏雖衣冠不同、言語不合,莫不來至,朝覲於王。 |
《·》: | 《明堂記》曰:「禹納蠻夷之樂於太廟。」 |
《·》: | 以漢而歲致金絮繒綵,是入貢職於蠻夷也,顧為戎人諸侯也,勢既卑辱,而禍且不息,長此何窮? |
《·》: | 及立為天子,天下化之,蠻夷率服。 |
《·》: | 是以蠻夷諸夏,雖衣冠不同,言語不合,莫不來賓。 |
《·》: | 由余生於五狄,越象產於人蠻,而功施齊、秦,德立諸夏,令名美譽,載於圖書,至今不滅。 |
《·》: | 四夷之外,大人食小人,虎之與蠻夷,氣性一也。 |
《·》: | 燕外迫蠻、貊,內笮齊、晉,崎嶇彊國之間,最為弱小,幾滅者數矣。 |
《·》: | 故得大化興行,蠻夷率服。 |
《·》: | 且猶遇水遭旱,戒以蠻夷猾夏、寇賊姦宄,而光晃以為陰陽不和,姦臣盜賊皆元之咎,誠非其理。 |
《·》: | 觀吾之鄉,如戎蠻之國。 |
《·》: | 文禮之野,與禽獸同則,言語之暴,與蠻夷同謂。 |
《·》: | 老子曰:道德之備猶日月也,夷狄蠻貊不能易其指,趣舍同即非譽在俗,意行均即窮達在時,事周於世即功成,務合於時即名立。 |
《·》: | 嘗試往之中國諸夏蠻夷之國,以及禽獸昆蟲之地,皆待此而為治亂。 |
《·》: | 嫚生乎小人,蠻夷皆能之。 |
《·》: | 兵所自來者久矣:堯戰於丹水之浦,以服南蠻。 |
《》: | 秋,諸侯會宋公于盂,子魚曰,禍其在此乎,君欲已甚,其何以堪之,於是楚執宋公以伐宋,冬,會于薄以釋之,子魚曰,禍猶未也,未足以懲君,任,宿,須句,顓臾,風姓也,實司大皞與有濟之祀,以服事諸夏,邾人滅須句,須句子來奔,因成風也,成風為之言於公曰,崇明祀,保小寡,周禮也,蠻夷猾夏,周禍也,若封須句,是崇皞濟而脩祀紓禍也。 |
《·》: | 王化雖弛,天命方永,四夷八蠻,攸尊王政,作職方。 |
《·》: | 今伯父有蠻、荊之虞,禮世不續,用命孤禮佐周公,以見我一二兄弟之國,以休君憂。 |
《》: | 晏子使吳,吳王曰:「寡人得寄僻陋蠻夷之鄉,希見教君子之行,請私而無為罪。」 |
《·》: | 今前王譬若農夫之艾殺四方蓬蒿,以立名于荊蠻,斯亦大夫之力。 |
《》: | 子貢東見越王,越王聞之,除道郊迎至縣,身御子貢至舍而問曰:「此乃僻陋之邦,蠻夷之民也。」 |
《》: | 陳軫謂秦王曰:「義渠君者,蠻夷之賢君,王不如賂之以撫其心。」 |
《·》: | 今世俗壞而競於淫靡,女極纖微,工極技巧,雕素樸而尚珍怪,鑽山石而求金銀,沒深淵求珠璣,設機陷求犀象,張網羅求翡翠,求蠻、貉之物以眩中國,徙邛、筰之貨,致之東海,交萬里之財,曠日費功,無益於用。 |
《》: | 晉人執戎蠻子赤歸於楚。 |
《·》: | 百蠻是攘,恢我疆宇,外博四荒。 |
《》: | 吾居蠻夷中久。 |
《·》: | 而蠻夷懷鳥獸之心,難禁易敗。 |
《·》: | 是時蠻夷陳縱等及哀牢王類反,攻蕉唐城。 |
《·》: | 召穆公帥師追荊蠻,至于洛。 |