言 |
yán ㄧㄢˊ (1.1): 説話,說。 Speak, say.
《·》: | 子墨子言見染絲者而歎曰:「染於蒼則蒼,染於黃則黃。」 | Watching a dyer of silk at work, Mozi sighed, saying: What is dyed in blue becomes blue, what is dyed in yellow becomes yellow. | 《·》: | 食不語,寢不言。 | When eating, he did not converse. When in bed, he did not speak. | 《·》: | 王笑而不言。 | The king laughed and did not speak. | 《·》: | 生而神靈,弱而能言,幼而徇齊,長而敦敏,成而聰明。 | Born a genius he could speak when a baby, as a boy he was quick and smart, as a youth simple and earnest, and when grown up intelligent. | 《·》: | 臣聞不知而言不智,知而不言不忠,為人臣不忠當死,言而不當亦當死。 | 《·》: | 生而神靈,弱而能言,幼而慧齊,長而敦敏,成而聰明。 |
yán ㄧㄢˊ (1.2): 談論,議論。 Discuss, debate.
《·》: | 拘禮之人,不足與言事。 | With a man who is enslaved by rites, it is not worth while to speak about matters. |
yán ㄧㄢˊ (2): 告訴。 Tell.
《》: | 將軍壯義之,恐亡夫,乃言太尉,太尉乃固止之。 |
yán ㄧㄢˊ (3): 言論,學説。 Doctrine, theory, words.
《·》: | 信,言合於意也。 | Xin (good faith/trustworthiness) is the words agreeing with the thought. | 《·》: | 子曰:「巧言令色,鮮矣仁!」 | The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue." | 《·》: | 公孫龍曰:「先生之言悖。」 | 《》: | 人信其言,從之以行,人信其行,從之以復。 | 《》: | 宛信其言,因而為之。 | 《·》: | 凡諸侯之臣有諫其君而善者,以璽問之,以信其言。 |
yán ㄧㄢˊ (4.1): 一個字為一言。 One word.
yán ㄧㄢˊ (4.2): 一句話為一言。 Sentence.
《·》: | 子曰:「詩三百,一言以蔽之,曰『思無邪』」 | The Master said, "In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence - 'Having no depraved thoughts.'" | 《·》: | 信斯言也,宜莫如舜。 | If the rule be indeed as here expressed, no man ought to have illustrated it so well as Shun. | 《·》: | 公子行數里,心不快,曰:「吾所以待侯生者備矣,天下莫不聞,今吾且死而侯生曾無一言半辭送我,我豈有所失哉?」 | 《》: | 贊曰:《》云「戎狄是膺,荊舒是懲」,信哉是言也! |
yán ㄧㄢˊ (5): 助詞,無實義。 Particle, no meaning.
《·》: | 采采芣苢、薄言采之。 | We gather and gather the plantains; Now we may gather them. | 《·》: | 《》曰:「」 |