《·》: | 創鉅者其日久,痛甚者其愈遲,三年者,稱情而立文,所以為至痛極也。 |
The greater a wound is, the longer it remains; and the more pain it gives, the more slowly is it healed. The mourning of three years, being appointed with its various forms in harmony with the feelings (produced by the occasion of it), was intended to mark the greatest degree of grief. |
《·》: | 子墨子曰:「今瞽曰:『鉅者白也,黔者黑也。』」 |
Mozi said: The blind say that which is bright is white, that which is dark is black. |
《·》: | 如而夫者,一命而呂鉅,再命而於車上舞,三命而名諸父,孰協唐、許! |
But one of those ordinary men, on receiving his first appointment, goes along with a haughty stride; on receiving his second, he looks quite elated in his chariot; and on receiving the third, he calls his uncles by their personal names - how very different from Xu (You) in the time (of Yao of) Tang! |
《·》: | 四戰之國,不能以萬室之邑舍鉅萬之軍者,其國危。 |
If a state that has to fight on four fronts is unable to raise, from a city of ten thousand houses, an army of more than ten thousand men, then the state will be in a dangerous position. |
《·》: | 厚賦稅以實鹿臺之錢,而盈鉅橋之粟。 |
He increased the taxation in order to fill the Stag tower with money, and to store the granary at 'Big bridge.' |
《·》: | 散鹿臺之財,發鉅橋之粟,大賚于四海,而萬姓悅服。 |
He dispersed the treasures of the Stag Tower, and distributed the grain of Ju-qiao, thus conferring great gifts on all within the four seas, so that the people joyfully submitted to him. |
《》: | 時鉅鹿郡有兄弟三人:一名張角,一名張寶,一名張梁。 |
At this time in the county of Julu was a certain Zhang family, of whom three brothers bore the name of Zhang Jue, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang, respectively. |
《·》: | 王曰:此夫始生鉅,其成功小者邪? |
《·》: | 權譎也,尚歸之以奉鉅經耳。 |
《·》: | 昔楚人蛟革犀兕以為甲,堅如金石,宛如鉅蛇,慘若蜂蠆,輕利剛疾,卒如飄風,然兵殆於垂沙,唐子死,莊蹻走,楚分為三四者,此豈無堅甲利兵也哉! |
《·》: | 尊者事尊,卑者事卑,宜鉅者鉅,宜小者小也。 |
《·》: | 發鉅橋之粟,散鹿台之錢,以賜貧羸。 |
《·》: | 驪山之徒,鉅野之盜,皆為名將。 |
《》: | 七月二日,拜鉅鹿太守,「鉅」邊有金,後為度遼將軍,歷登三事。 |
《·》: | 世祖父南頓君曰皇考,祖鉅鹿都尉曰皇祖,曾祖鬱林太守曰皇曾祖。 |
《·》: | 世祖父南頓君曰皇考,祖鉅鹿都尉曰皇祖,曾祖鬱林太守曰皇曾祖。 |
《·》: | 木羽者,鉅鹿南和平鄉人也。 |
《》: | 齊侯不聽左右,魏主不聽譽者,而明察照群臣,則鉅不費金錢,孱不用璧,西門豹請復治鄴足以知之。 |
《·》: | 武王伐紂,士卒往者,人有書社,入殷之日,決鉅橋之粟,散鹿臺之錢,殷民大說,此所謂能以所不有予人者也。 |
《·》: | 武王伐紂,發鉅橋之粟,散鹿台之錢,封比干之墓,表商容之閭,朝成湯之廟,解箕子之囚。 |
《·》: | 墨者鉅子孟勝,善荊之陽城君。 |
《》: | 昔者齊南破荊,中破宋,西服秦,北破燕,中使韓、魏之君,地廣而兵強,戰勝攻取,詔令天下,濟清河濁,足以為限,長城鉅坊,足以為塞。 |
《·》: | 大夫曰:「今夫越之具區,楚之雲夢,宋之鉅野,齊之孟諸,有國之富而霸王之資也。」 |
《·》: | 廣平,鉅鹿﹑樂成王入間起居,見車騎鞍勒,皆純黑無金銀采飾,馬不踰六尺。 |
《·》: | 鉅鹿男子馬適求等謀舉燕趙兵以誅莽,大司空士王丹發覺以聞。 |
《》: | 發鉅橋之粟。 |
《·》: | 魏霸為鉅鹿太守,霸性清約質朴,為政寬恕,正色而已,不求備於人。 |
《·》: | 南頓君稱皇考廟,鉅鹿都尉稱皇祖考廟,鬱林太守稱皇曾祖考廟,節侯稱皇高祖考廟,在所郡縣侍祠。 |
《·》: | 綾出鉅鹿陳寶光家,寶光妻傳其法。 |
《·》: | 鉅寶遷兮砏礉,雉咸雊兮相求。 |
《·》: | 大荒之中,有山,名曰鏖鏊鉅,日月所入者。 |
《·》: | 鄡:鉅鹿縣。 |
《·》: | 蕎,邛鉅。 |
《·》: | 故散鹿臺之金,發鉅橋之粟,莫不歡然。 |
《·》: | 命釋百姓之囚,表商容之閭,命南宮括散鹿臺之財,發鉅橋之粟以賑貧弱。 |
《·》: | 斯洨水又東逕西梁城南,又東北逕樂信縣故城南,《地理志》:鉅鹿屬縣,侯國也。 |
《·》: | 夏,布將薛蘭、李封屯鉅野,太祖攻之,布救蘭,蘭敗,布走,遂斬蘭等。 |
《·》: | 而盈鉅橋之粟, |
《·》: | 召問甚悅,尊異之,通亦愿謹,不好外交,雖賜洗沐,不欲出,於是文帝賞賜通鉅萬以十數,賜通蜀嚴道銅山,得自鑄錢。 |
《·》: | 欲外示安,進所徵天下淑女杜陵史氏女為皇后,聘黃金三萬斤,車馬奴婢雜帛珍寶以鉅萬計。 |
《》: | 機杼抽空兮,鹿臺才滿,犁鋤折兮鉅橋粟盈。 |