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儒家 -> 礼记 -> 祭义 -> 25

曾子Zeng-zi said,
'There are three degrees of filial piety.
The highest is the honouring of our parents;
the second is the not disgracing them;
。” and the lowest is the being able to support them.'
公明仪曾子:“?”(His disciple), Gong-ming Yi, said, 'Can you, master, be considered (an example of a) filial son?'
曾子:“Zeng-zi replied, 'What words are these?
What words are these?
君子What the superior man calls filial piety requires the anticipation of our parents' wishes, the carrying out of their aims and their instruction in the path (of duty).
I am simply one who supports his parents;
?” how can I be considered filial?'
