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儒家 -> 禮記 -> 坊記 -> 26

The Master said,
'When (it is wished to) show respect (to guests), the vessels of sacrifice are used.
君子 Thus it is that the superior man will not in the poverty of his viands neglect the rules of ceremony,
。」 nor in their abundance and excellence make those rules disappear.
Hence, according to the rules of feasting,
when the host gives in person anything to a guest,
the guest offers a portion in sacrifice,
but he does not do so with what the host does not himself give him.
君子Therefore, when there is no ceremony in the gift,
however admirable it may be, the superior man does not partake of it.
It is said in the Yi,
"The ox slain in sacrifice by the neighbour on the east
西 is not equal to the spare spring sacrifice of the neighbour on the west,
。」 (whose sincerity) receives the blessing."
It is said in the Book of Poetry (III, ii, ode 3, 1),
"You have made us drink to the full of your spirits,
。」 You have satiated us with your virtue."
But though in this way the people are admonished,
they will still keep striving after profit, and forget righteousness.'
