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儒家 -> 礼记 -> 礼器 -> 5

In some ceremonial usages the multitude of things formed the mark of distinction,
天子 The son of Heaven had 7 shrines in his ancestral temple;
诸侯the prince of a state, 5;
Great officers, 3;
and other officers, 1.
天子 The dishes of the son of Heaven on stands were 26;
of a duke, 16;
诸侯of another prince, 12;
of a Great officer of the upper class, 8;
of one of the lower class, 6,
诸侯 To a prince there were given 7 attendants and 7 oxen;
and to a Great officer, 5 of each,
天子 The son of Heaven sat on 5 mats placed over one another;
诸侯a prince, on 3;
and a Great officer, on 2.
天子 When the son of Heaven died,
he was buried after 7 months,
in a fivefold coffin, with 8 plumes;
诸侯 a prince was buried after 5 months,
in a threefold coffin, with 6 plumes;
a Great officer after 3 months,
in a twofold coffin, with 4 Plumes.
In these cases, the multitude of things was the mark of distinction.
