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儒家 -> 禮記 -> 仲尼燕居 -> 3.1

子貢退Zi-gong having retired,
言游Yan You advanced, and said,
'May I be allowed to ask whether the rules of ceremony
?」do not serve to control what is bad, and to complete what is good?'
:「。」The Master said, 'They do.'
?」Very well, and how do they do it?'
The Master said,
'The idea in the border sacrifices to Heaven and Earth
is that they should give expression to the loving feeling towards the spirits;
the ceremonies of the autumnal and summer services in the ancestral temple
give expression to the loving feeling towards all in the circle of the kindred;
the ceremony of putting down food (by the deceased)
serves to express the loving feeling towards those who are dead and for whom they are mourning;
the ceremonies of the archery fetes and the drinking at them
express the loving feeling towards all in the district and neighbourhood;
the ceremonies of festal entertainments
。」 express the loving feeling towards visitors and guests.'
