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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 梁惠王上 -> 5.2

孟子Mencius replied,
'With a territory which is only a hundred li square, it is possible to attain to the royal dignity.
If Your Majesty will indeed dispense a benevolent government to the people,
being sparing in the use of punishments and fines,
and making the taxes and levies light,
so causing that the fields shall be ploughed deep, and the weeding of them be carefully attended to,
and that the strong-bodied, during their days of leisure, shall cultivate their filial piety, fraternal respectfulness, sincerity, and truthfulness,
serving thereby, at home, their fathers and elder brothers,
and, abroad, their elders and superiors,
使you will then have a people who can be employed, with sticks which they have prepared, to oppose the strong mail and sharp weapons of the troops of Qin and Chu.
The rulers of those States rob their people of their time,
使so that they cannot plough and weed their fields, in order to support their parents.
Their parents suffer from cold and hunger.
Brothers, wives, and children are separated and scattered abroad.
Those rulers, as it were, drive their people into pit-falls, or drown them.
Your Majesty will go to punish them.
In such a case, who will oppose your Majesty?
:『。』In accordance with this is the saying, "The benevolent has no enemy."
I beg your Majesty not to doubt what I say.
