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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 公孫丑上 -> 1.2

孟子Mencius said,
'You are indeed a true man of Qi.
管仲晏子You know about Guan Zhong and Yan, and nothing more.
曾西;『子路?』Some one asked Zeng Xi, saying, "Sir, to which do you give the superiority, to yourself or to Zi Lu?"
曾西:『。』Zeng Zi looked uneasy, and said, "He was an object of veneration to my grandfather."
:『管仲?』"Then," pursued the other, "Do you give the superiority to yourself or to Guan Zhong?"
曾西:『管仲Zeng Zi, flushed with anger and displeased, said, "How dare you compare me with Guan Zhong?
管仲 Considering how entirely Guan Zhong possessed the confidence of his prince,
how long he enjoyed the direction of the government of the State,
and how low, after all, was what he accomplished
?』」 - how is it that you liken me to him?"
:「管仲曾西?」Thus,' concluded Mencius, 'Zeng Xi would not play Guan Zhong, and is it what you desire for me that I should do so?
