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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 公孙丑上 -> 1.7

The present time is one in which the royal dignity may be easily attained.
In the flourishing periods of the Xia, Yin, and Zhou dynasties,
the royal domain did not exceed a thousand li,
and Qi embraces so much territory.
Cocks crow and dogs bark to one another,
all the way to the four borders of the State
- so Qi possesses the people.
No change is needed for the enlarging of its territory;
no change is needed for the collecting of a population.
If its ruler will put in practice a benevolent government,
no power will be able to prevent his becoming sovereign.
Moreover, never was there a time farther removed than the present from the rise of a true sovereign:
never was there a time when the sufferings of the people from tyrannical government
were more intense than the present.
The hungry readily partake of any food, and the thirsty of any drink.
孔子:‘。’Confucius said, "The flowing progress of virtue is more rapid than the transmission of royal orders by stages and couriers."
At the present time, in a country of ten thousand chariots, let benevolent government be put in practice, and the people will be delighted with it, as if they were relieved from hanging by the heels.
With half the merit of the ancients, double their achievements is sure to be realized.
It is only at this time that such could be the case.'
