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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 万章上 -> 9.2

孟子Mencius said,
it was not so.
This story was invented by men fond of strange things.
百里奚Bai Li Xi was a man of Yu.
The people of Jin, by the inducement of a round piece of jade from Chui Ji, and four horses of the Qu breed,
borrowed a passage through Yu to attack Guo.
On that occasion, Gong Zhi Qi remonstrated against granting their request,
百里奚and Bai Li Xi did not remonstrate.
When he knew that the duke of Yu was not to be remonstrated with, and, leaving that State,
went to Qin,
he had reached the age of seventy.
秦穆公If by that time he did not know that it would be a mean thing to seek an introduction to the duke Mu of Qin by feeding oxen,
could he be called wise?
But not remonstrating where it was of no use to remonstrate,
could he be said not to be wise?
Knowing that the duke of Yu would be ruined, and leaving him before that event,
he cannot be said not to have been wise.
Being then advanced in Qin,
he knew that the duke Mu was one with whom he would enjoy a field for action, and became minister to him;
could he, acting thus, be said not to be wise?
天下Having become chief minister of Qin, he made his prince distinguished throughout the kingdom,
and worthy of being handed down to future ages;
could he have done this, if he had not been a man of talents and virtue?
As to selling himself in order to accomplish all the aims of his prince,
even a villager who had a regard for himself would not do such a thing;
?”and shall we say that a man of talents and virtue did it?'
