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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 万章下 -> 10.3

柳下惠'Hui of Liu Xia
was not ashamed to serve an impure prince,
nor did he think it low to be an inferior officer.
When advanced to employment, he did not conceal his virtue,
but made it a point to carry out his principles.
When dismissed and left without office, he did not murmur.
When straitened by poverty, he did not grieve.
When thrown into the company of village people,
he was quite at ease and could not bear to leave them.
He had a saying,
"You are you,
and I am I.
Although you stand by my side with breast and arms bare, or with your body naked,
?’ how can you defile me?"
柳下惠 Therefore when men now hear the character of Hui of Liu Xia,
the mean become generous,
and the niggardly become liberal.
