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经典文献 -> 诗经 -> -> 鲁颂 -> 閟宫 -> 3.1

Accordingly he appointed [our first] duke of Lu,
And made him marquis in the east,
Giving him the hills and rivers,
The lands and fields, and the attached States.
周公The [present] descendant of the duke of Zhou,
The son of duke Zhuang,
With dragon-emblazoned banner attends the sacrifices,
His six reins soft and pliant.
In spring and autumn he does not neglect [the sacrifices];
His offerings are all without error.
To the great and sovereign God,
后稷And to his great ancestor Hou-ji,
He offers the victims, red and pure.
Then enjoy, they approve,
And bestow blessings in large number.
周公The duke of Zhou, and [your other] great ancestors,
Also bless you.
