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The king speaks to the following effect:
'Do you clearly make known my great commands in the country of Mei.
文王西When your reverent father, the king Wen, laid the foundations of our kingdom in the western region,
he delivered announcements and cautions to (the princes of) the various regions, and to all his (high) officers, with their assistants, and the managers of affairs,
saying, morning and evening,
"At sacrifices spirits should be employed."
When Heaven was sending down its favouring decree,
and laying the foundations of (the eminence of) our people,
(spirits) were used only at the great sacrifices.
When Heaven sends down its terrors,
and our people are thereby greatly disorganized and lose their virtue,
this may be traced invariably to their indulgence in spirits;
yea, the ruin of states, small and great, (by these terrors),
。』 has been caused invariably by their guilt in the use of spirits.
