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道家 -> 庄子 -> 内篇 -> 齐物论 -> 2

Great knowledge is wide and comprehensive;
small knowledge is partial and restricted.
Great speech is exact and complete;
small speech is (merely) so much talk.
When we sleep, the soul communicates with (what is external to us);
when we awake, the body is set free.
Our intercourse with others then leads to various activity,
and daily there is the striving of mind with mind.
There are hesitancies;
deep difficulties;
small apprehensions causing restless distress,
and great apprehensions producing endless fears.
Where their utterances are like arrows from a bow,
we have those who feel it their charge to pronounce what is right and what is wrong;
where they are given out like the conditions of a covenant,
we have those who maintain their views, determined to overcome.
(The weakness of their arguments), like the decay (of things) in autumn and winter,
shows the failing (of the minds of some) from day to day;
or it is like their water which, once voided,
使 cannot be gathered up again.
Then their ideas seem as if fast bound with cords,
showing that the mind is become like an old and dry moat,
and that it is nigh to death,
使 and cannot be restored to vigour and brightness.
Joy and anger, sadness and pleasure,
anticipation and regret, fickleness and fixedness,
vehemence and indolence, eagerness and tardiness;
-- (all these moods), like music from an empty tube,
or mushrooms from the warm moisture,
day and night succeed to one another and come before us,
and we do not know whence they sprout.
Let us stop! Let us stop!
Can we expect to find out suddenly how they are produced?
