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道家 -> 莊子 -> 外篇 -> 天地 -> 4

黃帝Huang-Di, enjoying himself on the north of the Red-water,
ascended to the height of the Kun-lun (mountain), and having looked towards the south,
was returning home,
when he lost his dark-coloured pearl.
使He employed Wisdom to search for it, but he could not find it.
使He employed (the clear-sighted) Li Zhu to search for it, but he could not find it.
使He employed (the vehement debater) Chi Gou to search for it, but he could not find it.
使 He then employed Purposeless,
who found it;
黃帝 on which Huang-Di said,
?」 'How strange that it was Purposeless who was able to find it!'
