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儒家 -> 论衡 -> 道虚 -> 9

The books of the Literati relate
that the Prince of Huainan in his study of Daoism
天下 assembled all the Daoists of the empire,
and humbled the grandeur of a princedom
before the expositors of Daoist lore.
Consequently, Daoist scholars
flocked to Huainan
and vied with each other in exhibiting strange tricks and all kinds of miracles.
Then the prince attained to Dao and rose to heaven with his whole household.
His domestic animals became genii too.
His dogs barked up in the sky,
and the cocks crowed in the clouds.
That means that there was such plenty of the drug of immortality,
that dogs and cocks could eat of it,
and follow the prince to Heaven.
Those who have a fad for Daoism and would learn the art of immortality
all believe in this story,
but it is not true.
