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儒家 -> 論衡 -> 道虛 -> 27

文摯If Wen Zhi could speak, he must have given sounds, which require breathing.
Breathing is closely connected with the vital force,
which resides in bones and flesh.
Beings of bones and flesh being cooked, die.
To deny that
is the first untruth.
Provided that Wen Zhi could be cooked without dying,
he was a perfect Daoist,
similar to metal or stone.
To metal or stone it makes no difference, whether a lid be put on, or not.
文摯Therefore, to say that Wen Zhi died, when the lid was put on,
is a second untruth.
Put a man into cold water, which is not hot like boiling water, and he will die for want of breath after a short interval, his nose and mouth being shut out from the outer air.
Submerged in cold water, a man cannot remain alive, how much less in bubbling, boiling water, in the midst of a violent fire?
To say that Wen Zhi survived in the boiling water
is a third untruth.
When a man is submerged in water, so that his mouth is not visible outside, the sound of what he says is inaudible.
文摯When Wen Zhi was cooked, his body was certainly submerged in the kettle, and his mouth invisible.
Under those circumstances one could not hear, what he said.
文摯That Wen Zhi should have spoken
is the fourth untruth.
Had a man who after three days' and three nights' cooking died, not changed colour, even ignorant people would have been amazed.
使 If the king of Qi was not surprised,
the heir-apparent and his ministers should have noticed this wonderful fact.
文摯In their astonishment at Wen Zhi
they would have prayed that he be taken out, granted high honours, and be venerated as a master,
from whom one might learn more about Dao.
Now three days and three nights are mentioned,
but nothing is said about the officials asking for his release.
That is the fifth untruth.
