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道家 -> 莊子 -> 外篇 -> 秋水 -> 9

孔子When Confucius was travelling in Kuang,
some people of Song (once) surrounded him (with a hostile intention) several ranks deep;
but he kept singing to his lute without stopping.
子路Zi-lu came in, and saw him,
and said,
?」'How is it, Master, that you are so pleased?'
孔子 Confucius said,
'Come here,
and I will tell you.
I have tried to avoid being reduced to such a strait for a long time;
and that I have not escaped
shows that it was so appointed for me.
I have sought to find a ruler that would employ me for a long time,
and that I have not found one,
shows the character of the time.
天下 Under Yao and Shun there was no one in the kingdom reduced to straits like mine;
and it was not by their sagacity that men succeeded as they did.
天下 Under Jie and Zhou no (good and able man) in the kingdom found his way to employment;
and it was not for (want of) sagacity that they failed to do so.
It was simply owing to the times and their character.
People that do business on the water do not shrink from meeting iguanodons and dragons
- that is the courage of fishermen.
Those who do business on land do not shrink from meeting rhinoceroses and tigers
- that is the courage of hunters.
When men see the sharp weapons crossed before them,
and look on death as going home
- that is the courage of the determined soldier.
When he knows that his strait is determined for him,
and that the employment of him by a ruler depends on the character of the time,
and then meeting with great distress is yet not afraid
聖人- that is the courage of the sagely man.
Wait, my good You,
。」 and you will see what there is determined for me in my lot.'
A little afterwards,
the leader of the armed men approached and took his leave, saying,
'We thought you were Yang Hu,
and therefore surrounded you.
Now we see our mistake.'
退。」(With this) he begged to take his leave, and withdrew.
