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道家 -> 莊子 -> 外篇 -> 達生 -> 8

桓公(Once), when duke Huan was hunting by a marsh,
管仲 with Guan Zhong driving the carriage,
he saw a ghost.
管仲Laying his hand on that of Guan Zhong, he said to him,
?」'Do you see anything, Father Zhong?'
:「。」'Your servant sees nothing,' was the reply.
The duke then returned,
talking incoherently and becoming ill,
so that for several days he did not go out.
Among the officers of Qi there was a Huang-zi Gao-ao, who said to the duke,
'Your Grace is injuring yourself;
how could a ghost injure you?
忿When a paroxysm of irritation is dispersed, and the breath does not return (to the body),
what remains in the body is not sufficient for its wants.
When it ascends and does not descend,
使 the patient becomes accessible to gusts of anger.
When it descends and does not ascend,
使 he loses his memory of things.
When it neither ascends nor descends,
but remains about the heart in the centre of the body,
。」 it makes him ill.'
桓公:「?」The duke said, 'Yes, but are there ghostly sprites?'
:「The officer replied, 'There are.
About mountain tarns there is the lu;
about furnaces, the Jie;
about the dust-heaps inside the door,
the Lei-ting.
In low-lying places in the north-east,
the Bei-a and Wa-long leap about,
西and in similar places in the north-west
there dwells the Yi-yang.
About rivers there is the Wang-xiang;
about mounds, the Shen;
about hills, the Kui;
about wilds, the Fang-huang;
。」about marshes, the Wei-tuo.'
:「?」'Let me ask what is the Wei-tuo like?' asked the duke.
Huang-zi said,
'It is the size of the nave of a chariot wheel,
and the length of the shaft.
It wears a purple robe and a red cap.
It dislikes the rumbling noise of chariot wheels, and, when it hears it, it puts both its hands to its head and stands up.
。」 He who sees it is likely to become the leader of all the other princes.'
桓公 Duke Huan burst out laughing and said,
寡人。」 'This was what I saw.'
On this he put his robes and cap to rights, and made Huang-zi sit with him.
Before the day was done, his illness was quite gone, he knew not how.
