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道家 -> 庄子 -> 杂篇 -> 外物 -> 8

庄子Zhuangzi said,
'If a man have the power to enjoy himself (in any pursuit),
can he be kept from doing so?
If he have not the power,
can he so enjoy himself?
There are those whose aim is bent on concealing themselves,
and those who are determined that their doings shall leave no trace.
they both shirk the obligations of perfect knowledge and great virtue.
The (latter) fall, and cannot recover themselves;
the (former) rush on like fire, and do not consider (what they are doing).
Though men may stand to each other in the relation of ruler and minister,
that is but for a time.
In a changed age, the one of them would not be able to look down on the other.
Hence it is said,
"The Perfect man leaves no traces of his conduct."
'To honour antiquity and despise the present time
is the characteristic of learners;
but even the disciples of Khih-wei have to look at the present age;
and who can avoid being carried along by its course?
It is only the Perfect man who is able to enjoy himself in the world, and not be deflected from the right,
to accommodate himself to others and not lose himself.
He does not learn their lessons;
he only takes their ideas into consideration, and does not discard them as different from his own.
