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道家 -> 莊子 -> 雜篇 -> 讓王 -> 4

Han and Wei were contending about some territory which one of them had wrested from the other.
子華子 Zi-hua Zi went to see the marquis Zhao-xi (of Han),
and, finding him looking sorrowful,
子華子 said,
使天下'Suppose now that all the states were to sign an agreement before you
to the effect that
"Whoever should with his left hand carry off (the territory in dispute) should lose his right hand,
and whoever should do so with his right hand should lose his left hand,
天下。』but that, nevertheless, he who should carry it off was sure to obtain the whole kingdom;"
?」 would your lordship feel yourself able to carry it off?'
The marquis said,
寡人。」 'I would not carry it off,'
子華子 and Zi-hua rejoined,
'Very good.
Looking at the thing from this point of view,
天下 your two arms are of more value to you than the whole kingdom.
But your body is of more value than your two arms,
天下 and Han is of much less value than the whole kingdom.
The territory for which you are now contending
is further much less important than Han:
!」your lordship, since you feel so much concern for your body, should not be endangering your life by indulging your sorrow.'
The marquis Zhao-xi said,
寡人 Many have given me their counsel about this matter;
。」 but I never heard what you have said.'
子華子Zi-hua Zi may be said to have known well what was of great importance and what was of little.
