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道家 -> 莊子 -> 雜篇 -> 盜跖 -> 2.1

子張1滿苟得:「Zi-zhang asked Man Gou-de, saying, 'Why do you not pursue a (righteous) course?
Without such a course you will not be believed in;
unless you are believed in, you will not be employed in office;
and if not employed in office, you will not acquire gain.
Thus, if you look at the matter from the point of reputation,
or estimate it from the point of gain,
a righteous course is truly the right thing.
If you discard the thought of reputation and gain,
yet when you think over the thing in your own mind,
?」 you will see that the scholar should not be a single day without pursuing a (righteous) course.'
滿苟得 Man Gou-de said,
'He who has no shame becomes rich,
and he in whom many believe becomes illustrious.
Thus the greatest fame and gain would seem to spring from being without shame and being believed in.
Therefore if you look at the matter from the point of reputation,
or estimate it from the point of gain,
to be believed in is the right thing.
If you discard the thought of fame and gain,
and think over the thing in your own mind,
you will see that the scholar in the course which he pursues
!」is (simply) holding fast his Heavenly (nature, and gaining nothing).'

1. 子張 : 這裡只是借用他的名字,並不是真的寫子張其人其事。
