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道家 -> 庄子 -> 杂篇 -> 说剑 -> 1

文王Formerly, King Wen of Zhao delighted in the sword-fight.
More than three thousand men, masters of the weapon, appeared as his guests, lining the way on either side of his gate,
and fighting together before him day and night.
Over a hundred of them would die or be (severely) wounded in the course of a year,
but he was never weary of looking on (at their engagements), so fond was he of them.
The thing continued for three years,
when the kingdom began to decay,
诸侯 and other states to plan measures against it.
The crown-prince Kui was distressed,
and laid the case before his attendants, saying,
'If any one can persuade the king, and put an end to these swordsmen,
。” I will give him a thousand ounces of silver.'
His attendants said,
庄子。” '(Only) Zhuangzi is able to do this.'
