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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷八 -> 非乐上 -> 5

齐康公Formerly, Lord Kang of Qi (404-379 B.C.) loved music and dancing.
The dancers were not to wear garments of coarse cloth
or to eat husks and bran.
For if food and drink are not dainty
the appearance and complexion will not be enjoyable.
And if clothing is not elegant
the body and the movement will not be delightful.
Therefore their food must consist of grain and meat
and their clothing must be made of silk and embroidery.
They did not produce material of clothing and food at all,
。” but lived on others all the time.
Hence Mozi said: Now the lords take to music and deprive the people of so many of their opportunities to produce food and clothing!
墨子 Therefore Mozi proclaimed:
。” To have music is wrong.

1. 乐 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
