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道家 -> 庄子 -> 外篇 -> 田子方 -> 10.2

仲尼Zhongni heard of all this, and said,
'The True men of old
could not be fully described by the wisest,
nor be led into excess by the most beautiful,
nor be forced by the most violent robber.
黄帝 Neither Fu-xi nor Huang-Di could compel them to be their friends.
Death and life are indeed great considerations,
but they could make no change in their (true) self;
and how much less could rank and emolument do so?
Being such,
their spirits might pass over the Tai mountain and find it no obstacle to them
they might enter the greatest gulphs, and not be wet by them;
they might occupy the lowest and smallest positions without being distressed by them.
Theirs was the fulness of heaven and earth;
the more that they gave to others,
。” the more they had.'
