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道家 -> 莊子 -> 雜篇 -> 庚桑楚 -> 1.2

庚桑子Geng-sang heard of it,
kept his face indeed to the south but was dissatisfied.
His disciples thought it strange in him,
庚桑子 but he said to them,
'Why, my disciples, should you think this strange in me?
When the airs of spring come forth, all vegetation grows;
and, when the autumn arrives, all the previous fruits of the earth are matured.
Do spring and autumn have these effects without any adequate cause?
The processes of the Great Dao have been in operation.
I have heard that the Perfect man dwells idly in his apartment within its surrounding walls,
and the people get wild and crazy, not knowing how they should repair to him.
竊竊Now these small people of Wei-lei in their opinionative way want to present their offerings to me, and place me among such men of ability and virtue.
But am I a man to be set up as such a model?
老聃。」It is on this account that I am dissatisfied when I think of the words of Lao Dan.'
