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道家 -> 莊子 -> 雜篇 -> 徐無鬼 -> 10.2

In the case of those two (ministers) we have what is called 'The Way that cannot be trodden;'
in (the case of Zhongni) we have what is called 'the Argument without words.'
Therefore when all attributes are comprehended in the unity of the Dao,
and speech stops at the point to which knowledge does not reach,
the conduct is complete.
But where there is (not) the unity of the Dao,
the attributes cannot (always) be the same,
and that which is beyond the reach of knowledge
cannot be exhibited by any reasoning.
There may be as many names as those employed by the Literati and the Mohists, but (the result is) evil.
Thus when the sea does not reject the streams that flow into it in their eastward course,
we have the perfection of greatness.
聖人 The sage embraces in his regard both Heaven and Earth;
天下 his beneficent influence extends to all tinder the sky;
and we do not know from whom it comes.
Therefore though when living one may have no rank,
and when dead no honorary epithet;
though the reality (of what he is) may not be acknowledged
and his name not established;
we have in him what is called 'The Great Man.'
