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法家 -> 商君書 -> 更法 -> 6

公孫鞅:「Gong sun Yang replied: "What you, sir, hold is the point of view of the man in the street.
Indeed, ordinary people abide by old practices, and students are immersed in the study of what is reported from antiquity.
These two kinds of men are all right for filling offices and for maintaining the law, but they are not the kind who can take part in a discussion which goes beyond the law.
The Three Dynasties have attained supremacy by different rites,
and the five Lords Protector have attained their protectorships by different laws.
Therefore, a wise man creates laws,
but a foolish man is controlled by them;
a man of talent reforms rites,
but a worthless man is enslaved by them.
With a man who is enslaved by rites,
it is not worth while to speak about matters;
with a man who is controlled by laws,
it is not worth while to discuss reform.
Let Your Highness not hesitate.
