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儒家 -> 礼记 -> 檀弓下 -> 183

滕成公At the mourning rites for duke Cheng of Teng,
使子叔敬叔 Zi-shu Jing-shu was sent (from Lu) on a mission of condolence,
and to present a letter (from duke Ai),
子服惠伯 Zi-fu Hui-bo being assistant-commissioner.
When they arrived at the suburbs (of the capital of Teng),
because it was the anniversary of the death, of Yi-bo, (Hui-bo's uncle),
Jing-shu hesitated to enter the city.
Hui-bo, however, said,
'We are on government business,
and should not for the private affair of my uncle's (death)
。” neglect the duke's affairs.'
They forthwith entered.
