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儒家 -> 礼记 -> 杂记下 -> 88

曾子:“Someone asked Zeng-zi, 'After sending away to the grave the offerings to the dead, we wrap up what up remains; is this not like a man, after partaking of a meal, wrapping-what is left (to take with him)?
君子Does a gentleman do such a thing?
曾子:“Zeng-zi said, 'Have you not seen what is done at a great feast?
!” At a great feast, given by a Great officer, after all have partaken, he rolls up what is left on the stands for the three animals, and sends it to the lodgings of his guests. When a son treats his parents in this way as his (honoured) guests, it is an expression of his grief (for their loss). Have you, Sir, not seen what is done at a great feast?' Excepting at men's funeral rites, do they make such inquiries and present such gifts as they then do?
