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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷二 -> 尚贤下 -> 6

In the days of old, Yao had Shun,
Shun had Yu,
皋陶 Yu had Gao Yao,
Tang had Yi Yin,
武王闳夭泰颠南宫括散宜生King Wu had Hong Yao, Tai Dian, Nangong Kuo and San Yisheng
-- therefore the world was harmonious and people were prosperous. And those near felt contented and those distant were attracted. Wherever the sun and the moon shone, boats and vehicles could reach, rain and dew visited, and life depended on grains; few were not converted (to good) by this.
天下王公大人君子Hence if the rulers in the world
now desire to do magnanimity and righteousness
and be superior men,
and desire to strike the way of the sage-kings on the one hand
and work for the benefit of the country and the people on the other;
then it is indispensable that the principle of Exaltation of the Virtuous be understood.
Now, exaltation of the virtuous
is indeed the blessing of Heaven, the spirits, and the people,
。” as well as the foundation of government.

1. 而天下和,庶民阜,是以近者安之,远者归之。日月之所照,舟车之所及,雨露之所渐,粒食之所养, : 从第6条移到此处。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 而天下和,庶民阜,是以近者安之,远者归之。日月之所照,舟车之所及,雨露之所渐,粒食之所养, : 移到第6条。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
