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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷四 -> 兼爱上 -> 4

使天下Suppose everybody in the world loves universally,
loving others as one's self.
Will there yet be any unfilial individual? When every one regards his father, elder brother, and emperor as himself, whereto can he direct any unfilial feeling? Will there still be any unaffectionate individual?
3When every one regards his younger brother, son, and minister as himself,
whereto can he direct any disaffection?
Therefore there will not be any unfilial feeling or disaffection.
Will there then be any thieves and robbers?
When every one regards other families as his own family, who will steal?
When every one regards other persons as his own person, who will rob?
Therefore there will not be any thieves or robbers.
诸侯Will there be mutual disturbance among the houses of the ministers and invasion among the states of the feudal lords?
When every one regards the houses of others as one's own, who will be disturbing?
When every one regards the states of others as one's own, who will invade?
诸侯Therefore there will be neither disturbances among the houses of the ministers nor invasion among the states of the feudal lords.

1. 爱 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 犹有不孝者乎?视父兄与君若其身, : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
3. 弟子 : 原作“子弟”。
4. 故 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
5. 不慈 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
6. 有 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
