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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷九 -> 非命中 -> 3

The fatalists tell us:
"This doctrine has not been invented by us in a late generation.
Such a doctrine has appeared and been handed down since the Three Dynasties.
Why do you, sir, now oppose it?
(In answer,) Mozi asked:
Was it from the sages and good men of the Three Dynasties or from the wicked and the vicious of the Three Dynasties that the fatalistic doctrine came?
How can we find this out?
In the beginning secretaries and ministers
were careful in speech and intelligent in conduct.
They could persuade their ruler above
and instruct the people below.
Thus they obtained reward from their ruler
and applause from the people.
And the fame of those secretaries and ministers
has come down to the present day.
The whole world remarks: "This is the result of endeavour."
2 And it will never say: "I see fate there."

1. 故上有以规谏其君长,下有以教顺其百姓, : 删除。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. ,必不能曰我见命焉 : 从第4条移到此处。
