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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷九 -> 非儒下 -> 7

Again the Confucianist says:
君子 "The superior man is like a bell.
It will sound when it is struck.
It will remain silent when it is not struck."
We answer him:
The magnanimous, in serving his superior, should be loyal,
and in serving his parents, should be filial.
When there is excellence (in the superior) he should adore,
when there is fault he should give counsel.
This is the way of a minister.
Now, if one sounds only when struck,
and remains silent when not struck,
then he will hide his knowledge and spare his efforts,
waiting to be questioned before he answers.
Even if there is some great advantage at stake to the lord or parents,
he will not speak up without being asked.
And, if a great invasion or insurrection is approaching or a conspiracy is afoot,
and none know it but he;
yet even in the presence of his lord and parents
he will not speak up without being questioned.
What a criminal, producing confusion!
Such a man will not be loyal as a minister,
filial as a son,
respectful in serving an elder brother
or gentle in treating the people.
使When benefit is in sight, the only fear should be that counsel may be late.
When the ruler starts something not beneficial,
one should fold his hands high on the breast and look down and utter with difficulty:
。』 "This I have not learned."
Upon emergency
one should withdraw and set out on a long journey.
For, every principle, doctrine, and standard of magnanimity and righteousness
are to be used on the large scale to rule men
and on the small scale to hoId office;
widely, to exercise a universal influence
and, narrowly, to cultivate one's person.
What is not righteous should not be tolerated;
what is not according to principle should not be practised.
天下One should endeavour to procure benefits for the empire
directly and indirectly,
avoiding that which brings no profit:
君子 such is the way of the superior man.
孔丘But what we hear of the conduct of Kong Qiu is diametrically opposed to this.
