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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷十二 -> 贵义 -> 13

墨子Mozi said to Gong Liang Huanzi:
Wei is a small state
situated between Qi and Jin.
It is like a poor family in the midst of rich families.
For a poor family to imitate the rich families in the extravagance in clothing and food, ruin is assured.
Now we find in your house
hundreds of decorated vehicles,
hundreds of horses fed on grain,
several hundred women clothed with finery and embroidery.
If the expenditures for the decorations of the vehicles, food to the horses,
and the embroidered clothes are used to maintain soldiers,
there should be more than a thousand.
Upon emergency,
使several hundred of them can be stationed at the van
and several hundred can be stationed in the rear.
To do this or to let the several hundred women hold the van and the rear,
which is more secure?
I should think to keep women is not so secure as to maintain soldiers.
